
Company Information

Store Name: Treasures4Home

Company Name: NM Commerce

Address: Anjelierenstraat 13, 1441 HK Purmerend, Netherlands.

Company Number: 89402669

VAT Number: NL004723901B64


Phone: +31616204262

Business Hours:

Mo-Fr: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM (GMT)

Sat: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM (GMT)


Disclaimer for the Website

The information provided by Treasures4Home ("we", "our", or "us") on (the "Website") is for general information purposes only. All information on the Website is provided in good faith, but we make no express or implied warranties regarding the accuracy, relevance, validity, and reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Website.